Todays Favorites

Italian Dunkers (Pan de pizza con queso y salsa marinara) Thin and cheesy game day finger food! Cut into wedges and serve with our zesty marinara sauce. (19 oz.; 11" dunker with sauce) Ready-to-Bake Dipping Sauce Included 08 | See back to order, pay, and explore more options online! Ingredients are available online. Ready-to-Bake 2 Pack Cheesy Garlic Bread (Pan de ajo con queso) A blend of three cheeses, buttery garlic sauce, and tender Italian bread will satisfy the hungriest appetite. Pair with an Italian dish or enjoy as a snack. (13 oz. tray; 2 - 6.5 oz. bread boats) Chicken Alfredo Bread (Pan de pollo Alfredo) Try this combination of chicken and creamy Alfredo sauce on Italian bread for an exciting taste. (15.45 oz. tray; 2 - 7.725 oz. bread boats) There is something special about bread from a family-owned bakery — the tradition and care make every bite a unique and flavorful experience! 330 $ 336 $ 739 $

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