KIND SUPPORTER: Explore over 1K unique, useful and delicious “shoppertunities” ranging from $10. 00 to $79 00 . Seamlessly transition from catalog to online shopping or donate and enjoy the convenience of our “easy” online payment option! PARTICIPANTING FAMILY / STUDENT: “Join” The Clubhouse by registering online so you can message family and friends, post to social media and recieve reminders from your organization. Looking for a Fundraiser? We are Brochure & Virtual Fundraising Leaders FUNDRAISERS CHAIRPERSONTOOLS REGISTERFORSALE MYCLUBHOUSE MORE 800-346-5599 Thank You for Your Support! Unpriced RC22F www.C l ubsCho i ceFund r a i s i ng . com Supporters may order and pay online with easy pay See parent letter for important dates, details and to “Join” The Clubhouse! Step 3 Order and Pay Step 1 Text “PAYNOW” to 74590 or Scan QR Code Step 2 Enter School Code from Parent Letter Please write in school code for your supporter’s convenience. MORE ITEMS ONLINE

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