Bakery Fresh
305 Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough $23.00 (Masa para galletas con trocitos de chocolate y crema de cacahuate) Soft, scrumptious cookies with delicious mini peanut butter cups and milk chocolate chips. Soon to be your new favorite! (2.5 lb. box; 36 - 1.1 oz. pucks) 315 GLUTEN-FREE Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough $24.00 (Masa para galletas con trocitos de chocolate sin gluten ) A cookie everyone can enjoy! Produced in a GLUTEN-FREE, NUT-FREE, and DAIRY-FREE facility. This allergen-friendly cookie tastes so good! (2 lb. box; 32 - 1 oz. pucks) 340 Double Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Cookie Dough $24.00 (Masa de galletas doble chocolate con caramelo y sal marino) Our ooey gooey salted caramel and double chocolatey dessert cookie is the ultimate sweet and salty indulgence! (2 lb. box; 36 - .90 oz. pucks) 312 White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie Dough $23.00 (Masa para galletas con trocitos de chocolate blanco y nuez de macadam) Sweet, salty, and crunchy! This perfect blend of white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts are a delicious treat any time of day. (2.5 lb. box; 36 - 1.1 oz. pucks) S I G N A T U R E I T E M Gluten Free S I G N A T U R E I T E M S I G N A T U R E I T E M 04 | See back to order, pay and explore more options online!
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