Art In Nature
3 6053 $ Garden Spectacular - 57 Bulbs (Jardin Espectacular – 57 Bulbos) A thrifty combination of premium bulbs, to supply dramatic color spring through fall. Glads, freesia, liatris spicata and orchid glads - 57 bulbs in all - at a price that’s as easy on the pocketbook as it is on the eyes! Partial Shade . 5950 $ Bleeding Hearts - 1 Root Division (Corazon Sangriento – Primera Division) Old- fashioned garden beauty… in a newer, hardier form. Pendants of brilliant rose-colored, heart-shaped blooms dangle delicately from arching stems up to 24-36" tall. Vigorous and winter hardy. Partial Shade . 5951 $ Everbearing Strawberries-10 Plants (Siempre Floreciendo Fresas – 10 Plantas) A season-long supply of sweet, juicy strawberries… from your own garden! These everbearing plants produce fresh fruit from June until October – and multiply each year for an even bigger harvest. Makes a lush groundcover or border planting, too – decorative as well as delicious… and so delightfully carefree! Full Sun . 6032 $ Mixed Ranunculus-10 Bulbs (Mezcla de “Ranunculus” - 10 Bulbos) These ranunculus bulbs have been perfected through 60 years of breeding to produce the finest traits. The result is a genetically superior bulb. All produce huge, beautifully formed blooms up to 4 inches across in colors so luminous they amaze everyone who sees them. Each bulb produces from 30 to 35 blossoms over a 4 to 6-week flowering period and cutting them for bouquets only encourages more flowers. Full Sun . 6053 5951 6032 5950 www.C l ubsCho i ceFund r a i s i ng . com
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