2025 Rakk Fuel Catalog
We don’t cut corners on our ingredients - We know that whoever has the best food plot wins. That’s why we use only the highest quality seeds (we know our competitors don’t) so that your food plot out-attracts your neighbor’s. We don’t skimp on the expensive seed - If you look at our ingredient list you will see the seed percentages are all pretty even. Our competitors like to skimp on the expensive seed types which is why some of their percentages are low. Unique ingredients that give your deer a treat - We are constantly on the lookout for the next seed ingredient that deer won’t ťnd in your neighbor’s food plot. That’s why you’ll ťnd plants like qlantainș wmall urnetș 9rosty erseem and alance Turnips in ours. THREE KEY REASONS TO BUY RAKKFUEL FOOD PLOT BLENDS 1 2 3 Buyer beware! All food plot blends are not created equal. The truth is that virtually all other food plot seed blend brands cut corners to reduce costs. The way we look at it, given the time and effort required to plant food plots and the importance of food plots in keeping deer on your property and/or pulling deer from your neighbor’s property, the last thing we would do is cut a corner and risk compromising the effectiveness of our blends. And, better ingredients means bigger bucks, too! Yes, our blends are a bit more expensive than our competitor’s food plot products, but as so often happens, you get what you pay for. SHOW TIME OWN THE SEASON HUNTERS HAVEN* GROUNDWORK WICKED GREENZ CHECKMATE TOMBSTONE PLANT LIFE SPAN SUN REQUIREMENTS SOIL TYPE PLANTING TIME SEEDING TYPE Annual Biannual Perennial Full Sun Partial Sun Partial Shade Shade Tolerant Clay Soil Rocky Soil Sandy Soil Wet Soil Spring Planting Summer Planting Early Fall Planting Overseed Ready Frost Seed Ready No matter your situation or conditions, RAKKFUEL has the perfect blend for everyone. When planting a half-acre plot or larger, we recommend planting multiple RAKKFUEL blends next to each other to give as much variety as possible. Our unique food plot blends are formulated to maximize protein content, improve forage tonnage, & provide the nutrients needed for your herd to thrive year-round. WHAT TO PLANT BROADCAST RATE Unlike others, we sell all our food plot blends based off an HONEST SEED RATE. These rates are based off a broadcast rate, since the maþority of food plotters use broadcast spreaders. This honest approach is to give you the best opportunity for success at having a lush full plot with as much forage as possible. We believe strongly in providing premium ingredients & giving you a great product at great value. FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL INFO@RAKKFUEL.COM . RAKKFUEL SEED PLOT BLEND PLANTING GUIDE *Soil temperatures must reach ǥǤʞF for planting * NO COMPROMI SE FOOD P LOT BLENDS 8
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