2025 Rakk Fuel Catalog

NO COMPROMI SE DEER FEED WE DON’T CUT CORNERS ON OUR INGREDIENTS At RakkFuel, we will not compromise! All of our deer feed ingredients, whole corn, roasted soybeans, protein pellets, black oil sunŦower seeds and molasses are premium ingredients and, collectively, high in protein (18%, the maximum amount deer can process) for maximum antler growth and high in fat for maximum energy. We then supercharge RakkFuel No Compromise Deer Feed by adding chelated minerals for superior mineral and vitamin absorption. Prebiotics and probiotics for improved gut health, nutrient digestibility/absorption, and to boost the immune system to help ťght disease and keep your herd healthy. And, essential oils to boost rumen function, feed eŨciency and immune response. The essential oils also contain antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal agents. The overall goal is total herd health as well as to maximize both body size and antler growth potential of your bucks. Finally, RakkFuel Deer Feed also contains COAX STIMtractant, our revolutionary appetite stimulant/attractant that is the reason deer ťnd this feed irresistible and why it has such incredible drawing power. COAX has an ultra long range attracting aroma which helps to ensure that your deer will get the fortiťed feed they need! WHOLE CORN - We use whole corn vs. cracked corn because the hard shell is cleaner and less prone to mold ROASTED SOYBEANS - Extremely high in protein and high fat content as well PROTEIN PELLETS - Another good source of protein (and we add plenty) BLACK OIL SUNFLOWER SEEDS - Deer love them and they contain more oil (fat) than ordinary sunŦower seeds MOLASSES - A proven attractant that deer can’t resist • HIGH PROTEIN CONTENT - for maximum antler growth • HIGH FAT CONTENT - for extreme energy • PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS - for improved gut health, immune response and nutrient digestibility and absorption • CHELATED MINERALS - for superior absorption of vital vitamins and minerals • ESSENTIAL OILS - to boost rumen function, feed eŨciency and immune response; contains antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal agents • FUELED WITH COAX STIMTRACTANT - the appetite stimulant/attractant that out-attracts attractants 7 The deer have spoken! They deťnitely prefer RakkFuel feed over any other feed we’ve ever tried. This tells me their bodies want what’s in it. The whole corn is much less likely to mold than cracked corn which is a notable advantage as well. - Nick Smieþa

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