2025 Rakk Fuel Catalog
NO COMPROMI SE DEER MI NERAL The problem with virtually all other deer mineral products is that they cut corners on the ingredients. Many are mostly salt which is nothing more than a cheap attractant/ťller. The better ones may contain less salt but then they cut corners on mineral quality or levels and/or fail to provide other important ingredients like prebiotics, probiotics and essential oils. At RakkFuel, we will not compromise! We use the best ingredients available in the optimal amounts and ratios so your bucks will grow big antlers and so your deer will be healthy. RakkFuel No Compromise Deer Mineral is made with chelated minerals for maximum mineral and vitamin absorption. We include prebiotics and probiotics and essential oils for better gut function, to boost the immune system to help ťght disease and to keep your herd healthy. Our low-salt mineral features a 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus because that is the ratio in a buck’s antlers. Overall, the goal is to maximize both body size and antler growth potential of your bucks but also beneťt fawns and lactating does. Finally, RakkFuel Deer Mineral also contains COAX STIMtractant, our revolutionary appetite stimulant/attractant that is the reason deer ťnd this mineral irresistible and why it has such incredible drawing power. COAX has an ultra long range attracting aroma which helps to ensure that your deer will get the minerals and vitamins they need! 6 We put RakkFuel ™ in a failed mineral site. THE DEER DUG A TRENCH! “To see how well it worked, we put RakkFuel Mineral in a failed mineral site. The deer dug a trench! The most frequent visitor was a giant buck. Blew us away! PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS - improves gut health, immune response and nutrient digestibility/absorption 2:1 CALCIUM/PHOSPHORUS RATIO - for bigger antlers (same ratio as deer antlers; others skimp on phosphorus) CHELATED MINERALS - for superior absorption of both vital minerals and vitamins ESSENTIAL OILS - boosts rumen function, feed eŨciency and immune response; contains antibiotic, antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal agents LOW SALT CONTENT - salt is an inexpensive attractant that others often use FUELED WITH COAX STIMTRACTANT - the appetite stimulant/attractant that out-attracts attractants
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