2025 Rakk Fuel Catalog
What we didn’t realize was that we had created a system. By using either or both RakkFuel Mineral or RakkFuel Deer Feed, each of which contains COAX, during the off-season, and then spraying COAX while hunting, deer associate the smell with the mineral and/or feed and will come to check it out. We call this phenomenon “Attraction by Association” and it’s a key part of RakkFuel’s synergistic system of unrivaled deer nutrition and unmatched deer attraction. “Attraction by Association” phenomenon Aware that so many food plot blends on the market were cutting corners to cut costs, we decided to develop a line of food plot blends that use only top quality seed, don’t skimp on the amount of expensive seed and feature enough seed varieties so there’s always something for the deer to eat. In the end, after all the time, effort and money that one spends on food plots and deer hunting, the last thing you want to do is go cheap on the seed. Compare labels and you’ll quickly see that we don’t cut corners on our food plot blends. COAX is the ťrst and only STIMtractant (appetite stimulant/attractant). It will out-attract ordinary attractants. A request by a well-recognized inŦuencer for a þug of our secret mineral ingredient (COAX) to draw deer out of the middle of his food plots and closer to his stand, led to us bottling COAX to use as an attractant. Soon hunters were using COAX in front of cameras and near stands. A few reported deer running immediately over after getting a whiff of COAX. And big bucks coming out during daylight hours having smelled COAX. We even had one hunter spray it on a cattail. The deer ate the cattail. And countless hunters have harvested giant bucks after COAXing them in. “We have been using the entire RakkFuel system for years to ensure our clients at Wicked Whitetail Outdoors have the best chance at success. It’s amazing how COAX draws BIG bucks in and keeps them coming back! I recommend RakkFuel to everyone who asks me what we use.” Mike Jacklin, Wicked Whitetail Outdoors No compromise food plot blends Letting COAX out of the bag 3
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