2025 Rakk Fuel Catalog

rakkfuel.com RakkFuel | 3421 Truax Court | Eau Claire WI 54703 | 715 210 9355 At Misty Morning Outťtters BIG KANSAS WHITETAILS is our game and we rely on RAKKFUEL food plot blends to establish food sources and grow and hold GIANT whitetails for our clients each and every year! Matt Yancey ȿ Misty Morning Outťtter “In spite of the drought my RakkFuel food plot blew up right before hunting season. I couldn’t believe how amazing it looked with such little rain. This buck was coming to the plot almost every night. I had a couple close calls during bow season and was ťnally able to seal the deal during gun season. Thank you for an incredible product!” Alan Kowaleski I hunt multiple states each year chasing mature bucks. I’ve been using RakkFuel products from the beginning and it’s crazy how much better they work than what I used before. The power of COAX to draw mature bucks in after using the mineral and feed is a real game changer! Nicole Auer We consistently kill mature bucks every year and use nothing but the best. When it comes to what we feed our deer we use RakkFuel mineral, feed and food plot seed because they are the best! Dylan Fluekiger | Land Agent Midwest Land Group “We’ve been using RakkFuel for many years. The quality of bucks gets better every year. We have never had any mineral product work like this before. Our mineral sites are all massively dug down. With the help of RakkFuel I was able to harvest this buck of a lifetime.” Sean Thompson “WOW! The RakkFuel Mineral grows the bucks big and the COAX brings ‘em out. A great one-two punch!” Drexel Richardson What deer hunters are saying about RakkFuel’s high performance mineral, deer feed, food plot blends and COAX STIMtractant!

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