2025 Rakk Fuel Catalog
OWN THE SEASON Long-Lasting Perennial Clover-Plus Blend High protein, high energy, minimum maintenance blend Own The Season is designed to be your main food plot although it is also ideal for planting on trails, as a transition plot, around ponds for soil stabilization or as a burn break. The four clovers in Own The Season complement each other: the Frosty Berseem is an annual clover that grows fast so you quickly have a viable food plot, the Medium Red is a good summer clover and also provides lots of nitrogen to the soil, the Ladino Clover is what deer love most, and the Balansa Clover is the cold weather clover as it stays green in very cold weather and can tolerate temps down to -14°. We add Alfalfa as it offers energy (it has more energy than either corn or soybeans) and it stays green even under snow. And, we add Chicory as it is very high in calcium and very drought tolerant and a natural deer de-wormer. Location: Full sun, partial sun (4-6 hours) Soil Preference: Well drained, moderately drained, low drainage, pH range: 5.80-7.0 Drought Tolerant: Lowto moderate General Fertilizer Recommendation: 300 lbs/acre 9-23-30 PLANTING DEPTH: 1/8”-1/4” PLANTING DATES: North: April-June or August-September, Central: March-May or August-October, South: March-May or September-October Plants 1/2 acre Note - We recommend doubling the seed rate when broadcasting to ensure optimal results. FOUR CLOVERS (Plus Alfalfa and Chicory) • LADINO CLOVER - A white clover that deer love; 3-5 year perennial • MEDIUM RED CLOVER - Lasts past cool season; 3 year perennial • FROSTY BERSEEM CLOVER - Fast growing annual; winter hardy • BALANSA CLOVER - The most cold tolerant clover (down to -14°) • ALFALFA - Higher energy than beans; stays green under snow • CHICORY - High in calcium; very drought tolerant NO COMPROMI SE FOOD P LOT BLENDS 10
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