2024 Rakk Fuel Catalog

SHOW TIME SHOW TIME was designed to be the premium drought and shade- tolerant food plot blend available, made up of plantain, small burnet, alfalfa, and chicory. This high protein, calcium-packed blend was formulated for total herd health and to maximize both body and antler growth potential. We are very excited to bring you this one-of-a-kind blend that is incredibly versatile and has proven to be a game changer for the food plotter! With light soil work in hard-to-get areas it can even be used as a throw and grow. Our unique blend has the ability to thrive in less-than-ideal conditions, making it the ultimate kill plot! Whether planting a small plot deep in the woods or as a main Àxture in food plot architecture SHOW TIME belongs in EVERY food plotter’s arsenal. AVAILABLE IN ¼ ACRE JUG 3 rakkfuel.com

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